Friends of
St martin Music
St Martin in Roath is noted for its excellence in liturgy and music. Since 2012, the Music Foundation at the church has provided scholarships for young singers and organists. It has helped shape and develop musicians in their formative years. Throughout this time, the Foundation has relied upon the generosity of benefactors and grants from the Ouseley Trust in order to finance its work.
As we approach the 10th anniversary of the Music Foundation, the St Martin’s PCC has agreed to the establishment of a Friends group whose sole priority is to help fund this essential work. The Foundation has offered 45 scholarships since its inception and has ambitious plans to ensure that such opportunities are available in the future.
Any funds raised by the Friends will be administered by Trustees, who will be responsible for ensuring that they are used to maintain and expand the high standards of liturgical music making enjoyed at St Martin in Roath.
In order to become a member of the “Friends of St Martin’s Music”, we ask you to complete the application form and pay the annual membership fee of £20. As well as supporting the music ministry at St Martin’s, you will receive an invite to the Friends annual recital (given by musicians from St Martin’s) and receive regular updates about the music at St Martin in Roath. You will also be eligible to attend the AGM of the Friends.
Membership Application
We are hoping to attract at least 50 friends, which will go towards funding the “Friends” scholar in 2021-22. We appreciate that others will still wish to give larger amounts and some generous benefactors may wish to cover the costs of a full scholarship.
With your support and generosity, the Friends of St Martin’s music will enable St Martin in Roath to thrive in its unique ministry. This is already evidence in:
The excellent quality of Liturgical Music
Engagement with young music students and their families and friends for whom St Martin’s is often the first church these young people have come to know
Teaching opportunities
As we seek to offer all that we have and all that we are to the glory of God we invite you to offer your continued support by becoming a Friend of St Martin’s Music.
A Membership Application is available below or by clicking on the printable version. Forms are also available in Church or by email. You are encouraged to become a friend and to invite others among your family and friends to do the same.
The Ministry of Music, Welcome and Encouragement is something we do well at St Martin’s. Help us build and develop this by becoming a pro active Friend of this exciting ministry always to the Glory of God.