A window into heaven awaits behind an austere-looking substantial red-brick façade at the City Road end of Albany Road. For 130 years the Parish Church of St Martin in Roath has witnessed to the Catholic Faith in the Church of England and the Church in Wales. Left as an empty shell by an incendiary bomb in World War II, its simple restored interior is now a perfect setting for the beauty of liturgy and music that characterise this ordinary parish church.
The empty sparseness of its interior – a wonderful space for quiet God-directed encounter – is reflected in the dignified unfussiness of its worship. There are no gimmicks or fireworks, just the best of the Anglican tradition in liturgy and music and straightforward Christian teaching.
‘O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness’
(Ps. 96:6), where all is done AMDG
(‘ad maiorem Dei gloriam’) ‘to the greater glory of God’.

sUNDAY parish mASS
This is the main gathering of the Church week by week, on Sunday, the first day of each week. It is a time of worship and fellowship. At St Martin we worship and celebrate our Christian faith through the beauty and order of catholic tradition of the Church.
On Sundays, the liturgy is enriched and enhanced by the St Martin Liturgical Choir and the singing of traditional congregational hymns. There is also provision for children each week.
During the service, a Sunday School meets in the comfortable and safe surroundings of the Sunday School room in the Vicarage.
After Mass there is always an opportunity to meet and greet one another over light refreshments. It is always an occasion to meet and welcome new faces and mark a birthday or significant anniversary in a person’s life.
Weekday Services are quiet and reflective – an opportunity to be still and know the presence of God. They draw us into the mystery of God’s love as we offer the Mass to God’s praise and glory for our well being and good.
Tuesday 6.30 pm
Wednesday 10.30 am
followed by fellowship & refreshments
Thursday 5.30 pm
Friday 12.00 noon
Saturday 10.00 am
afterwards people are welcome to remain to help
prepare the church for Sunday worship
On major Holy Days throughout the year the Mass maybe Sung and the time changed to facilitate more people being present.