Music and choral foundation
Adorate Dominum in decoro Sancto -
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Music is central to our mission at St Martin in Roath. Mass on Sundays and feast days are sung by the Liturgical Choir who lead the congregation in worship, drawing upon a wide repertoire ranging from ancient chant through to contemporary works.
We aim to offer choral and organ music to the highest standards, always to the greater glory of God.
Please explore the information on this section of the website, listen to our Podcasts and feel free to be in touch with the Director of Music, Timothy Hill for further information at

The Liturgical Choir consists of adult singers who are experienced music readers and have clear voices which are able to balance in ensemble.
The Choir sings at the Sunday Mass throughout the year (with the exception of late July & August) and occasional weekday feasts.
Holy Week & Easter Day are particularly special in the life of the choir, when the rich treasury of sacred music is performed extensively.
The choir consists of Voluntary Lay Clerks (who commit to singing for the majority of the liturgical year), Choral Scholars (students in higher education who receive a grant for their contribution to the liturgical music programme) and Assistant Lay Clerks (those who are only able to commit to sing on an occasional basis). We also maintain an extensive network of Choral Associates, singers who were part of the liturgical choir but have since moved away from Cardiff. These join us occasionally for services and concerts at St Martin's or when the choir is on tour.
In addition to the Sacred music programme at St Martin's, the choir regularly visits Cathedrals and other churches. These have included Westminster Cathedral (2012), Westminster Abbey (2014) and Magdalen College, Oxford (2018). In April 2019, the Choir will sing Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral, London.
The choir is not all about work though - it often enjoys sociable lunches, curry nights and occasional pub quizzes!
If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the Director of Music, Timothy Hill, at