the icons
Leon Liddament
Icons of Mary, the Mother of God of Walsingham and St Martin of Tours
Leon Liddament (1943-2010) worked from a studio in Walsingham. where he had worked since 1966. He followed the tradition of iconography using certain colours, techniques and materials, many dating from the times of the Ancient Egyptians. After British Railways closed Little Walsingham Station in 1964, it became an orthodox chapel. Its priest, Father David, who was a iconographer, passed on his skill to Leon, who had only planned to stay for a month - he stayed in Walsingham for the rest of his life. His work was has been commissioned by individuals and churches all over the world, as well as closer to home. In Walsingham you may also see their work in the Roman Catholic Shrine’s Chapel of Reconciliation, the Orthodox Chapel in the Anglican Shrine and Church of the Holy Transfiguration in Great Walsingham.
In St Martin in Roath we have two of his Icons. Mary, the Mother of God of Walsingham (2000) commisioned by the family and friends of the late Nigel Trigg. The Icon of St Martin of Tours, the parish Patron. Commissioned by the parish in 2006. Leon died at Walsingham in September 2010 – Eternal Memory.