The Sacraments are an efficacious means of grace and life for the faithful. They are outward and visible signs of an inner and spiritual reality. Instituted by Christ they signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They are a means of grace, sanctification and forgiveness.
Holy Communion outside the celebration of the Mass
The Vicar regularly takes Holy Communion to people in their homes. Those who receive such visits are because of sickness or other infirmity are unable to be present with Church at Mass. Also twice a month a Service of Holy Communion is celebrated at the local Penylan Community Nursing Home.
Please inform the Vicar if you would like to receive
Holy Communion at home when you are unable to be
present with the Church at Mass.

Christian Initiation – Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation
From November 2018 we shall be exploring preparing younger children and Adults for the reception of their First Holy Communion. Confirmation will follow at later date. This is in line with new guidelines in the Church in Wales.
tHE Celebration of the saCRAMENTS
This great foundational sacrament of Christian Initiation into the Church is celebrated through the year except during Lent.
Baptisms are generally celebrated during the Sung Mass on Sunday morning at 10:00.
Preparation beforehand is given for both Adults and Children.
Please contact the Vicar for further information regarding you or your child’s baptism.

and the Publication of Banns
The Vicar, is always delighted to hear from couples who wish to marry at St Martin’s.
Come along on any Sunday morning at 10:00 and introduce yourself to him in person.
You can then begin preparations for your wedding or banns of marriage to be published.

the sacrament
of the sick
This Sacrament of healing and wholeness is very much part of the ministry of the Church. The laying on of hands and the anointing with blessed oil by a priest forms the heart of this ministry.

This sacrament can be celebrated with you at home or in hospital and within the context of the Mass. Please ask the Vicar for guidance.
This Sacrament of healing should not be confused with that of the Last Rites or Viaticum. This ministry as the name suggests, is for those about to die, it is food for journey.
the sacrament
of reconciliation (Confession)
This great sacrament of healing and reconciliation is available for all.
Check the Weekly Parish Paper for times of Confession or arrange a time to suit you with the Vicar.